

GSO Test

Year 2

Welcome to the Year 2 Page

Teacher - Mr Lewis

Teaching Assistants - Mrs Cetin (Monday to Thursday) & Mrs Ahmed (Thursday)

We will share important information here about trips, in-school activities and much more. Please keep scrolling to see pictures of children's work and other classroom activities. 


Please read as much as possible at home as this will further support your child's learning in school. Additionally, key spellings will be available to access on Spelling Shed each week. 


PE days are on Mondays and Wednesdays. Please make sure you send your child to school in their PE kits on these days. Please note, children will not be able to take part in PE if they are wearing earrings. 


At St George’s, we teach phonics and reading using the ‘Little Wandle Letters and Sounds’ scheme. The books that the children read are closely aligned to their phonic ability and are changed every Thursday. These books are labelled a 'book I can read'. In addition to this book, your child will bring home a book from our reading for pleasure baskets. These books are labelled a ‘book to share’. This book might be too easy or difficult for your child, but it is intended for you as parents or carers to read to your child, to ignite a love of reading.  

Please click on the link below to access the parent area on the Little Wandle website with information and ideas to support your child at home. 

Little Wandle

Phonics bloom have some fun games you can play at home:

Phonics Bloom

Year 2 23-24

Spring newsletter


Year 2 had great fun on the apparatus in gymnastics this week. 


Year 2 excitedly took part in numerous gymnastics activities at Worcester City Gym. Thanks to the children from Bishop Perowne for running the activities. 


Year 2 enjoyed working with clay this afternoon in their art lesson. We looked at different techniques to imprint in the clay and also attaching small pieces. 


Year 2 had an exciting visit from our cartetaker, Mr Jenkins, with his pet tortoise as part of our science topic.